Friday, April 24, 2015

SEO Competitor Analysis: What You Need to Know to Beat Them

One way to beat your competitors in Devon SEO is to have an adequate competitor analysis. This involves careful observation and research into your industry rivals.

Know your competitors

Perhaps most importantly, know who your competitors are in the market. You will not be able to monitor all of them but consider some of them as your main competitors.

Check out your competitors’ site

Upon knowing who your competitors are, you can start checking and analysing their website. Evaluate the quality of their web design. Is it appropriate to the nature of their business? How about the content and URLs? What SEO strategies are they using? Do they utilise social media accounts for content sharing? These considerations will give you an insight as to how they became your competitors in the first place. Their strategies can also help you to formulate your own way forwards.

Consider the following SEO factors

                a. Keywords

Competitor analysis will enable you to analyse your keywords in accordance to the ones that your competitors are using. You can identify whether you are using the same keywords or not. If not, it is your chance to discover whether the new keywords will bring more traffic to boost your rankings.

                b. Backlinks
Backlinks also contribute to the success of SEO. If your competitors include links from a popular site, then you should do the same. You can also look for new sites that haven’t yet been utilised. Free tools are available on the Internet to check backlinks.

                c. Social Media
Effective social media optimisation is the best way to increase traffic. Check out the social media accounts of your competitors to discover the popularity of each of their posts. This will also give you an idea on how you can improve your social media strategies, specifically when it comes to building relationships and reaching your target audience.

Analyse and improve

After analysing the SEO performance of your competitors, it’s time to analyse yours. Find ways of improving your website when it comes to design and user-friendliness. Keep the learning process going to stay ahead of your competitors.

Looking for an SEO provider that can administer your competitor analysis? Devon SEO Co. is right here to help you. Contact the lovely people at Devon SEO Co on 0800-404-5988 or check the website for more information.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Avoiding Black Hat SEO

What is Black Hat SEO?

Black Hat SEO is an unethical practice to increase the ranking of a certain web page in search engine results. It focuses only on search engines and usually disobeys SEO guidelines. It is frequently used by those aiming for a quick financial return against long-term investment on their website.

What are the different Black Hat Techniques?

These are some of the techniques that we try to avoid in SEO Devon.       

The use of unrelated keywords

Black Hat SEO uses irrelevant keywords to get an extra page hit. SEO writing should always focus on a specific topic, so that the users can easily find what they are searching for.

Hidden links

Adding a link to a page is allowed as long as it is visible to the naked eye. Black Hat SEO introduces links to a page, with the same colour as the background, in order to increase the chances of opening the link page accidentally.


Black Hat SEO commonly incorporates a website description that is different from its content. For example, when searching for the keyword “sharks”, you will click on the search result that has a description about sharks and realise later on that the page is all about pornography.

Duplicate content

Black Hat SEO copies the content from another website, without first seeking permission. It is one way of plagiarising someone’s work. To refrain from having duplicate content, rephrase a certain article in your own words.

URL hijacking

Black Hat SEO includes a listing of domain names that are similar or a misspelled version of their competitor to re-route the visitors to their website. Every website should become popular based on the quality of its content, not by misleading the users.

Comment spam

The automatic posting of links as a reply to someone’s post, comment spamming increases the number of inbound links but should always be avoided. The comment should always be constructive and related to the blog post.

Social networking spam

Social networking spam includes sending advertisements to random people. For example, you might receive a message saying “visit and see our pictures together”. Upon clicking it, you will be lead directly to that webpage, which will likely increase their views and ranking.

These Black Hat SEO techniques should be avoided at all costs. With Google imposing bans and penalties, you may even be facing a lawsuit for copyright infringement. For legal and efficient ways to increase your website’s search engine ranking, contact Devon SEO on 0800-404-5988. You can also check their website for more information.
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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Successful Business Branding with Devon SEO Co.

People nowadays often search for the things that they want to purchase on the Internet. The use of smartphones has made it easier to access the Internet anytime, anywhere. Companies utilise the Internet to sell products because it is one of the fastest and cheapest ways to get in touch with their target market. Devon SEO Co. provides various services that can enhance your company's online visibility. Here are some of them:

·         Search Engine Optimisation
Search engine optimisation involves website auditing, keyword research, competitor analysis, creating company profiles and content generation. All of the content that we generate consist of active links that opt to bring more traffic to your website. This type of service will help you to increase your company website’s rankings on various search engine sites such as Google and Yahoo. Usually, the websites that are on top of search engine sites are first in line to the perspective customer.

·         Website Design and Development
Devon SEO Co. provides user-friendly web designs that are also structured in line with Google’s search engine algorithms. The navigations that we set are easy to use and understand. Other efficient tools for your website can also be included such as the auto-responder and the anti-spam feature.

·         Social media campaign and marketing
Establishing your company website as a resource provider can help you to gain the customers' trust. This can be achieved by providing helpful materials related to your products/services. Devon SEO Co. produces high-quality graphics and articles (web contents and blogs) for your customers, which will eventually build new connections with other potential clients through social media sharing. Generating infographics and slogans are also essential to grab the attention of online buyers.


Make sure you have completely defined your company's missions, qualities and target market before consulting an SEO specialist. This can help them to formulate a web design and content that is aligned with your business goals.

Improve your online visibility by partnering with Devon SEO Co. Call us on 0800 404 5988 or complete the contact form with your enquiries. We look forward to talking with you!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Social Media Techniques to Boost SEO Rankings

Utilising social media is one of the easiest ways to boost your Exeter SEO ranking. It helps your website to top the search engine rankings. Here are some techniques on how you can use social media as an effective SEO strategy.
ü  Optimise Social Media Profile
Companies must complete all the necessary descriptions and information that the social media channels require. Here are the 3 components that should be included in your account:
a.       Keywords: Put keywords or phrases that are related to the field of your business.
b.      Links: Your social media profiles must include a link to your website and links to other key sites. This is a strategy to increase brand awareness and to increase the traffic on your domain web page.
c.       Address: Your business address is equally important as your business name. Never forget to include this in your profile so that potential customers can easily find you.

ü  Optimise Social Media Posts
All your social media posts must be related to your business. Always include keyword phrases or “hash tags” to attract your target market. This strategy relies upon pre-existing content but it also opens a secondary channel for search.

ü  Promote your Social Media Accounts to Gain More Followers
Getting more followers will give you the chance to gain more customers. This also helps in brand awareness that could lead to referrals.

ü  Encourage External Inbound Links
Share your blog posts in your social media accounts. They can serve as broadcast channels that can get you more readers for your content. It is also good to use hash tags to increase online visibility. Just make sure that your blog posts are good enough to attract the readers to visit your domain web page and eventually avail your products or services.

ü  Locally-Optimised Posts
Social media is a great opportunity to engage your business in the local community. You can provide updates whenever your company participates in local events. It is also the best way to communicate with other local brands and establishments.
Social media is one of the most important SEO strategies to ensure the success of your business. To improve your rankings, call Devon SEO on 0800-404-5988. You can also check out their website for more information.