Monday, April 28, 2014

Customer Interaction – The Future

It’s not really surprising that billions of content are available on the web. What’s surprising is that only a few website make it to the top. We hear of millionaires who made their fortune by simply launching a website and voila! They seemed to get the immediate success that is denied most people. So what’s the secret? How did they do it? And is there any formula to do the same thing as they did?

The power of rapport

You can make your website optimised with all the right keywords. You can even flood it with share buttons at every piece of content and admire the stylish way you had it designed but all those things combined together would be just lacking. Unknown to most businessmen and people who try to join the online market, communication is the one ingredient that you take advantage to ensure your success.

People hate it the most when they only feel that you are interested in them because you’re selling something and they’re the ones buying. It makes them feel used. Communication on the other hand expands your influence by getting you the right audience, boosting your business and actually drawing interest. Though it’s hard to actually maintain rapport with hundreds of people from all around the world, the internet has provided enough avenues to make interaction easier and be a way for your website’s success too.

Social Media

Today, social media have become a powerful platform for both business and personal purposes. You don’t have to be a genius to know how powerful it is if you want real time interactions with real people. Videos, images, and share-worthy post would draw likes and comments in a matter of minutes and you don’t even have to work too hard to get people’s attention on it. If you want to build a network of loyal followers, social media is the best way to do so.

Email Marketing

The power of email marketing is boundless. On your part, using it to communicate with your audience can really be a smart move. However, instead of the spammy content that everyone is all too familiar with, make sure that you always keep your tone conversational. You shouldn’t make room for grammar or spelling mistake too. And to make things easy for you, respond to emails in the most natural way possible; straight, sincere and direct to the point.

Blog posts

Here’s the rule: If it sounds non-sense to you, don’t write about it. Your basic goal is to inspire, communicate and connect with people. Blogs are more personal in nature compared to websites with a more formal tone. What do readers want to know? What would help them?  Listen to your audience’s needs and be heard for what you will say. Making your blog as people-friendly as possible will not only leave your readers interested. They’d leave their comments too. You’re even luckier if you can make them follow you on social media, subscribe their email to you and even wait for what you have to say as you spell out what they need and why they need it.

Using smart comments

So your posts have over hundreds or thousands of likes. Your Facebook page, email and blog posts are full of comments from people asking, congratulating and wondering what will come next. What matters now here is how you answer. Answering a person’s question means you are concerned and sincere about being interested in them. Don’t just write. Read your readers’ comments and show them you care by replying or simply thank them for a compliment they gave.

Subconsciously, knowing how to communicate with your audience drives traffic to your website without you even knowing. While others may not easily respond to a website post or a new product endorsed, people are sure to get in touch with you if you make them feel welcome, appreciated and heard. Nurture the connection once you have it. If ever you need help establishing that kind of connection, Devon SEO would be a good place to ask for help.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Social Sharing Buttons – Should they be used everywhere?

“Hmm, what’s the quickest way to get more traffic without spending too much time or money? Oh I know, sharing buttons!”

If this is a familiar scene to you, you’re not alone. Sharing is so common nowadays, and you can see these social sharing buttons in every site, if not in every page already.
You probably decided to add these things because you noticed people with massive amounts of likes, and wanted in on that sweet, sweet traffic. But since you’re here, we can guess your efforts weren’t successful (if it is, good for you!), so, we made this article to answer some questions about these buttons, why your content is not being shared, and how to remedy it.

Are these buttons useful?
Definitely! It allows the page to be easily shared across several social service providers. If you’re using some social bookmarking services or widgets like AddThis, they can even track (for free!) which posts are getting shared and how many are sharing it. They also track if they were shared through other means.

Should I put sharing buttons on every page?
You can, but you shouldn’t. Reserve them for the content that you regularly update like blogs or news posts. Static pages will probably not be shared at all, unless it’s one of your popular pages in the site. Sometimes you can’t remove them because of a template or theme, but it’s perfectly alright to leave them in.

Does anyone actually click on these buttons?
Ah, zero likes. Quite a blow on the whole team’s morale, but I digress. People do use sharing buttons because it’s quicker than going to Facebook and copy pasting the page’s URL. You should use this as an opportunity to find out why your posts aren’t being shared, but like anything in social media, the most common culprit is the content. In any case, it’s a good indicator if your content is working or not.

Do they have a negative effect on my SEO if it has zero shares?
Zero shares aren’t exactly harmful, but they’re not good either. However, others might see the zero shares and likes, making it less likely for them to share as well. If you have recently implemented sharing buttons on your site, it’s expected that your older posts will have zero shares, so this is a great chance to shine the spotlight on your older posts.

If you like this post (ahem), we’ll appreciate it if you share using the social sharing buttons below, or by taking advantage of our Devon SEO service.