Thursday, March 26, 2015

Avoiding Black Hat SEO

What is Black Hat SEO?

Black Hat SEO is an unethical practice to increase the ranking of a certain web page in search engine results. It focuses only on search engines and usually disobeys SEO guidelines. It is frequently used by those aiming for a quick financial return against long-term investment on their website.

What are the different Black Hat Techniques?

These are some of the techniques that we try to avoid in SEO Devon.       

The use of unrelated keywords

Black Hat SEO uses irrelevant keywords to get an extra page hit. SEO writing should always focus on a specific topic, so that the users can easily find what they are searching for.

Hidden links

Adding a link to a page is allowed as long as it is visible to the naked eye. Black Hat SEO introduces links to a page, with the same colour as the background, in order to increase the chances of opening the link page accidentally.


Black Hat SEO commonly incorporates a website description that is different from its content. For example, when searching for the keyword “sharks”, you will click on the search result that has a description about sharks and realise later on that the page is all about pornography.

Duplicate content

Black Hat SEO copies the content from another website, without first seeking permission. It is one way of plagiarising someone’s work. To refrain from having duplicate content, rephrase a certain article in your own words.

URL hijacking

Black Hat SEO includes a listing of domain names that are similar or a misspelled version of their competitor to re-route the visitors to their website. Every website should become popular based on the quality of its content, not by misleading the users.

Comment spam

The automatic posting of links as a reply to someone’s post, comment spamming increases the number of inbound links but should always be avoided. The comment should always be constructive and related to the blog post.

Social networking spam

Social networking spam includes sending advertisements to random people. For example, you might receive a message saying “visit and see our pictures together”. Upon clicking it, you will be lead directly to that webpage, which will likely increase their views and ranking.

These Black Hat SEO techniques should be avoided at all costs. With Google imposing bans and penalties, you may even be facing a lawsuit for copyright infringement. For legal and efficient ways to increase your website’s search engine ranking, contact Devon SEO on 0800-404-5988. You can also check their website for more information.
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