Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Why You Shouldn’t Miss Out on Email Marketing

In the past, many people will tell you that email marketing is the only way to go when it comes to online marketing. Nowadays, many have disregarded email marketing completely, and jumped on the bandwagon of social media and mobile marketing. Although it is true that email marketing has lost some of its effectiveness in recent years, we at Devon SEO think email marketing is still a powerful weapon in a business’ arsenal, and here’s why:

Everyone has an email account – Anyone who regularly uses the Internet will likely have an email account of their own. If you consider that more and more people are using the Internet every day, that’s a lot of potential leads just waiting to receive your email.
Email marketing can be done automatically – One of the main advantages of email marketing is that anyone can set it up automatically. If you want to go a step further, you can customise each email (manually or automatically) based on the recipient’s chosen settings and preferences. This gives them a more personal experience, and thus, a better incentive to open the email.
Email marketing is inexpensive – Compared to other forms of marketing, email remains an inexpensive option for online marketing; only requiring an email server and a connection to the Internet to start a full email marketing campaign.
Email marketing builds a relationship with your recipients – While the primary objective of marketing is to get sales, its other purpose is to form a relationship with your potential leads. Sending them unforgettable emails and showing them that you care will put your emails above the rest of your competitors – after all, their inbox is often their only private space online.

Email marketing can still generate a lot of sales – Even if you exclude all the benefits we’ve just mentioned, you should not cross-out email marketing campaigns from your list. Statistics show that email marketing is still profitable even with the advent of social media and spam awareness - businesses only need to adjust how they write their emails to make their email marketing campaign have a better chance to succeed.

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